Affair With The Gardener – True Sex Story

I had no idea that my garden would change my sex life forever…… Raised as the eldest daughter in an orthodox Muslim family in northwest Pakistan, I came to Ireland after my marriage to Ali, who is a second generation Pakistani (well, now Irish, to be precise…) as he was born and bred here.

A virgin before my marriage, I accepted everything that my husband told me as ‘God’s gospel’. After the birth of my second daughter by caesarean section, some complications in the delivery caused me to undergo tubectomy (a surgical procedure for removal of fallopian tubes)……… “Good riddance from more kids”, I thought….. Raising two kids on my own here was stressful enough.
Couple sitting on bed

Sex after marriage

This operation also meant that we could now enjoy sex more freely without any condoms….and without the fear of unwanted pregnancies. As life moved on, I realised that just the contrary was true……Ali had lost all interest in me sexually. He was happy to be with his Irish pals going to pubs to watch Munster’s Rugby and Premiership matches, leaving me to the mercy of the Asian channels on satellite dish for entertainment.

Between raising my two little ones, cooking, washing, ironing and such mundane chores, I, typical of an obedient wife, resigned to my fate and never demanded sex……in fact, I got used to a life without it. As the kids grew, I found enough spare time to get a job in a nearby garden centre as a sales assistant. Routine was good……..School rounds, job, home, supermarket…… in-day out !! My added income gave us the financial leverage to buy a modest but nice enough 4 bed family home in a decent suburb of Limerick. Ali was making good money from his job as finance assistant in some local accountancy firm.

A helping hand

The garden of the house needed some work and just when I was brooding how to go about restoring the garden, I happened to discuss this casually one day at my workplace with the chief horticulturist Roy. A handsome and jovial fellow, Roy readily agreed to have a look at our garden some day and give some ‘tips’.

It was summer, 2006. The FIFA world cup had started. Ali used to be out all evening with his buddies in the local pub. The bell rang one day, and to my utmost surprise, it was Roy !! I was simply thrilled. After a detailed survey of our garden, Roy came up with a superb landscaping plan……and who better than him to execute it ?

I discussed with Ali and finally requested Roy to undertake doing up our garden. To our delight, Roy agreed readily …….. and lo…..our garden project was underway. Within a few days, Roy brought trailer loads of his stuff—— gravel, pebbles, cement, concrete tiles……even a wheel barrow, shovel and the lot !

Evenings were no longer boring as I used to watch Roy from my kitchen window while I cooked, working away in his faded denim and that sexy black Lacoste T-shirt. Ali used to be in the pub till the end of the matches and kids used to go to bed by 8, even though it used to be bright until 11. Sometimes Roy would ask me for a glass of water and sometimes I would make him some coffee, even as he used to take a breather between his sheer physical routine.

Getting hot and sweaty

He used to be sweating and after gulping down a full pint of water, he would sometimes casually flip the channel on the digibox in our living room, just to see the score………men will be men, I thought.

But there was something about Roy. His innocent smile with a piercing look, muscular body with a robust Caucasian physique……..fair complexion, those blue eyes and light brown hair………why cant Asian men be as good looking as the white guys…..I used to brood…but used to quickly brush aside such distracting thoughts……

Sometimes Roy used to take his T-shirt off in the garden………what a well built lad in his early thirties he was…….it was a treat to watch him tilling the soil with that soil tiller. Each and every muscle of his torso, well sculpted and flexing, sweat running down his bare back and veins of his forearms gorged from that sheer physical work……….Ali was no match for him physically, I thought.

Getting closer

Ali had a paunch, was short and balding and couldn’t lift even 20 kg without panting desperately. Lost in these thoughts, I reached for the coriander for my curry, when I heard Roy’s voice, “what’s cooking Zara ? It smells fabulous!!”

Would you like to try some ? I chirped, desperate for attention from a caring man, ignored by my husband for years now……. I gave him some fresh chicken curry with naan bread and he went, “mmm, superb, you are one helluva cook Zara !!!

Thus, my evenings became more interesting…….sharing a few happy moments with Roy, feeding him sometimes (which was always such a pleasure)……and of course, bitching about our colleagues…….we got pretty close, vibed well with each other and used to talk quite freely and laugh together.

I used to love running small errands for Roy, like fetching the garden hose, or holding some edging tiles while he used to position them for setting in concrete using his levelling tool.

The start of something

One day (I think it was the England Germany match) Roy wanted to head-off early, but when I sensed this, I changed the channel to RTE 2 and engaged him in some stupid talk in our living room. Unable to move his glance away from the large 42” LCD screen, Roy sat in our living room for a breather, as I gave him a tall glass of a nice lemon squash.

He started chatting with me, though his eyes were glued to the TV screen. I was glad that he had forgotten all about going away and wished that he stayed on longer. Then, out of the blue, he hit me with the most unexpected question, “how can Ali leave such a beautiful wife at home to watch a match with some beer-bellied dopes in a pub?”
Man in field

Harder and harder

I looked at him desperately and cast a hungry glance at him…his crotch was unusually swollen that time and I could clearly see the profile of his enormous manly tool, struggling to be released out of his tight denim……..It was now or never, there was no point losing this only chance of a lifetime……

I put my head on his chest, as a tear fell out. All I could manage to say in a choking voice was “only that idiot (Ali) knows. We haven’t made love since 2004”.

“What ?????” was his shocked reaction. “ You kidding me?” I nodded negatively. That was it…….he took the clue and held me in a tight hug. Very little verbal communication espoused at that point of time. He simply lifted my petite body effortlessly on his lap sitting on the couch and kissed me lightly behind my ears. His stale breath after all that shovelling felt so masculine, I simply closed my eyes and offered my mouth forward.

He took my quivering lips into his mouth and slipped his huge palm under my cotton top right on my breast and said naughtily “they are quite a handful…..” again those piercing blue eyes staring and that naughty smile on his face appearing briefly, as we exchanged a glance. My knees felt weak and my breast swelled up. I was shy but certainly not going to hold back that day………..two years is a long time to go without sex.

The risk of being caught

Suddenly, I got up, tiptoed and drew the curtains (just in case). Then I quickly ran upstairs and checked that both the kids were fast asleep. Ali wasn’t going to be back until 11…….. I came back downstairs, as I saw that Roy had already unbuttoned his jeans. I couldn’t believe what I saw…….it was the largest penis I could ever imagine……nearly the size of a pack of Pringles…….it was also quite different from Ali’s…….it had an unusual tip, covered with flesh. “Is that real, oh my God, so large”……..I asked worriedly……….. “100% Irish meat, madam”……..winked Roy.

All these years that bastard Ali had told me that his was the largest human penis that nature makes. He had mislead me to believe, that physically, it is not possible to have a penis larger than 5.5 inches (which was his size) for human beings.

Remembering the lies

One day, during watching a porn movie, sensing my suspicion, he explained “You see those large boobs on those girls ? Well, they are artificially enhanced with silicone, that’s how they are almost three times the size of your boobs……same applies to the porn star’s penis…even that is stuffed up with lot of artificial stuff to make it appear large” he had explained. “You see, they have to exaggerate everything, because it’s a goddamn movie”….innocently, like a fool, I believed every word of Ali.

Because of being circumcised, Ali’s penis used to look like a tiny, ugly knob when not erect. Even when erect, it wasn’t half the size of Roy’s. For the first time, I had actually seen another grown up man’s penis in real life, other than Ali’s. …… and by gawd, I felt totally cheated and ripped off after what I saw that day and what Ali had made me believe all these years. “I am gonna give you some real Irish country style sex baby !”……..smiled Roy.

Lost in the moment

He was getting naughtier, and I didn’t dislike it at all. Suddenly, he held the back of my head and forcefully pulled it close to his crotch in one thrust. Reflex action, my mouth gaped, and next moment, I found my mouth gagged with that enormous piece of Irish Beef !

My cheek swelled like a little kid holding a Jumbo-gobstopper in his mouth. The sides of my lips almost burst at the seams, but Roy wasn’t going to let go. He thrust my head and his crotch back and forth in synchrony till I started to struggle to release myself. Then he suddenly let go and kissed my mouth again.

Couple kissingBy the time I could regain composure, I realised that I somehow actually loved Roy’s brutal aggressiveness. My pussy was already dripping wet with anticipation, when he suddenly turned me facing away from him, lifting me and landing me straight onto his penis in one swift action. That rock hard piece of meat slid effortlessly into my wet pussy as he started pumping me from the bottom, lifting and dropping my butt with his strong palms.

He was being rough with me, but I was enjoying every bit of it. He even gave a few light slaps on the cheek of my butt and said, “You’re very tight for a mother of two. I love that ebony hood”. “Is that so?” I loved that compliment too, and told him coyly that it was because both my deliveries had been caesarean. I climaxed quickly, but Roy was unrelenting.

After some 5 minutes, as I was peaking from one climax to the next, Roy finally threw me on the couch and took me in the missionary. My pussy had never felt so ‘filled-up’ before. Suddenly, his hip started moving faster and faster, slapping my butt-hole with his balls with each thrust. He held me so tightly that I was immobilised. All I could really do was focus on each of his thrusts which packed more power than the previous one, until he finally exploded into a massive creampie.

Real sex

I quivered with the most unusual satisfaction, as I held on to him tightly. We must have stayed like that for a good few minutes, until he went totally flaccid. My pussy felt wide open, even as Roy withdrew gently…….. I had officially had real sex at long last. The match had resumed after half time, but who really cared ?

Roy’s mobile phone had rang a couple of times but who wanted to receive any calls………it was a moment of pure bliss (at least for me).

Later, it emerged that one of Roy’s buddies was wondering why Roy wasn’t showing up at the pub that evening………… Then onwards, Roy wasn’t ever going to………not during this FIFA world cup anyway………..he had discovered his own version of Asian bed-soccer after all !

Martin Ward
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