4 Sex Spots You Need To Avoid!

When it comes to sex and being adventurous, we sometimes get a little carried away. We might think that we have had a fantastic idea to spice things up, but because we are turned on we aren’t thinking as clearly as we should be. This means that we might choose some awful sex spots for a romantic rendezvous.

4 Sex Spots You Need To Avoid

There are some places you really shouldn’t be going to have sex. If you do want to choose the best sex spots, do a little research first and try to avoid these four sex spots.

1. The pool

So you’ve gone on holiday, taken a dip in the pool, and met a sexy person you want to sleep with. Maybe you’ll stop by the pool on your way back to the hotel room later than night and decide that it is the perfect place for some kinky holiday sex.

Let me stop you right there. It seems like a great idea, but there are so many reasons you shouldn’t fuck in a pool. To start with, pools are filled with chemicals. The pussy is a very carefully balanced thing when it comes to bacteria and the PH scale. Messing with this balance can lead to infections, which will make it a very memorable time for all of the wrong reasons. It can also lead to irritation for you, and the last thing you want is to have a tender cock after a shag.

Another thing to think about is the amount of people who will have pissed in that pool. The University of Alberta recently conducted a study and found that the average pool contains roughly 10 litres of piss. If you don’t want that anywhere near your cock, don’t shag in the pool.

Sex in a pool sounds great... until you end up with an infection and irritation
Original source: Tumblr

2. A car park

The car might seem like the perfect place for you to go, and it might well be if you choose somewhere secluded for sex. The issue is that people don’t always do this. They’ll go somewhere that sees a lot of traffic, which could be awful for you.

A car park late at night seems to be a popular choice… but you might want to think again. You have a high risk of being caught by others as they travel to their car to continue their journeys… but there is another more terrifying risk.

We’ve all heard the story of the man who lost his penis having sex in a car. Basically he was getting a blowjob when a van reversed into the car. The jolt caused the woman’s mouth to snap shut. Ouch! The moral of the story? Avoid car parks.

Sex in a car is fine as long as you choose somewhere quiet to go
Original source: Pinterest

3. A park

In the warmer summer months, you’d be forgiven for spending plenty of time in a park, simply enjoying being outdoors and catching up on your tan while the sun is out. However the park seems to also be one of the more popular sex posts for people to choose from.

Parks are often heavily populated places to visit. This means that you are much more likely to be caught. In fact, that majority of times you’ll hear about couples caught having sex in public, there is a park involved.

There have been so many different stories about it. Last year our own Martin Ward talking about the couple caught fucking in a park… and best of all? There was a video. So unless you want to become a viral hit, you should avoid parks.

Sex in a park means you are very much in the public eye
Original source: Pornhub

4. The shower

In theory, sex in the shower is great. When you want to get ready together in the morning before work or cool off after an intense workout, the shower is the perfect place to do it. Plus, you get to soap each other up! What could be better?

Well, a huge problem with sex in the shower is that there isn’t a lot of space. Unless you are in a posh hotel room, you are going to have to wiggle around one another in the shower. No, it really isn’t as sexy as it sounds.

It is also slippery. This means that you are more likely to slip and fall. The last thing you want is to slip in the shower during sex and end up going to the emergency room very red in the face as you explain just what happened. My advice? Get a non-slip mat underneath you… or just don’t do it.

Very few positions work well for shower sex... unless you want to risk slipping
Original source: isselecta

The worst sex spots

There are plenty of other ways for you to make sex exciting without resorting to these sex spots. If you really want to have sex in public, there are a number of spots you can choose from.

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Lara Mills
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