LaBelleThatcher, Doodlebug,

A twin track approach might be needed. In the short term for starters I think that SWAI is our best bet. They certainly beat Ruhama any day. If there is a danger that legislation will be rushed through the Dail to criminalise the clients of sex workers (plus cause a load of other problems) then some organisation has to tell the government that there are x escorts out there that can make their own mind about their occupations and do not need a nanny state. This will also stop Ruhama and the ICI going around saying that there are only a "tiny few" sex workers not forced into their occupations. It will also stop them insulting people by saying that nearly all escorts were abused as children.

By all means have an organisation more streamlined to the needs of sex workers. But this will take time to set up.

Personally I have an interest in both SWAI and any other organisation that supports genuine rights for people. That is why I have made enquiries about Turn Off The Blue Light in another thread.

Escorts given a proper say will make a powerful force as they have first hand knowledge of the adult industry. The same as a plumber or electrcian would know the best way to put pipes or wires into a building for example.