A species of primate... that evolves to become arguably the most intelligent known organism that this planet has ever seen. Capable of feats that would have once been considered impossible, fantasy and magic.

And yet... still so primitive as they were when they first came to be some 100,000-300,000 years ago. Imagine... that most of their resources go towards protecting themselves... from each other.

Imagine... a hunger for greed and power so insatiable, that they're willing to destroy the world for nothing other than their own gain and notoriety.

What's the difference between them, and every other member of the animal kingdom? Only they, are truly beasts.

Nuclear war. Alien invasion. AI takeover. Asteroid. Whatever, let it come and let it do so with haste. Earth is not big enough to sustain a species whose deific egos convince them that they are gods.

Imagine... a world free of these beasts.