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Thread: Scare

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jul 2020


    Quote Originally Posted by morelovin View Post
    Have done. The experience has forced me to take a rain check. Some are more risk averse than others depending on circumstances.
    It's a stereotype thing I feel. The ladies on here are super health conscious and pose no risk.

    As per the point about meeting girls on nights out. Before I was going out with current gf like 3 years back we had a college course night out and this girl I got with was drinking out of random pint glasses and doing lines off some fuse box. When I got back to hers, her room stank and was a fucking kip. Sobered me up very quick tbf, also her hygiene was appalling. Went down to give her head and the smell was vile ! TMI I know but that stereotype about a random doll at a bar is spot on.

    You're way safer punting I think

  2. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by JennyIrish View Post
    Hmmmmm seeing lovely ladies for over 10 years and only one review??

    Are you sure it wasn’t just a dose of The Fear after a mad night out in Coppers??
    I'm seeing ladies over 20 years and have no reviews it means nothing

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Feb 2016


    I have been to hell of alot of countries and the ladies have all rode me silly, streets, woods, etc and never had a std in all these years.
    Thought i had one last week as had a cock rash, first ever but straight to the gum clinic and nurse examined my penis and questioned me and it was the body wash i was using that was causing it and i was fine.

    People need to look after their immune system, I Look at myself as a Ferrari, a fine tuned gorgeous wee car and must get the correct oil and maintenance / service, a clapped out old yoke going to have all sorts of issues, the service/maintenance would be a visit to the Gum Clinic every 3 months
    Last edited by TheNightShift; 31-03-24 at 22:00. Reason: mention of words that are not allowed

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Aug 2014


    I've had similar experiences, and yes it can be frightening.
    But I know I have allergy/intolerance/sensitivity problems, which can lead to such rashes and even flu type symptoms.
    In normal life I'm careful to only use certain shampoos, shower gel and washing powder. And I always put my clothes through and extra rinse or two.
    However, when on appointment, I have no control, I'm showering in her body wash, bathing in her perfume and lying on her bed, sometimes I even get a tingle in my nose letting me know that I'm going to suffer in the next few days. But I'm a glutton for punishment.
    Lynx deodorant in particular is a product that I'm very sensitive to. So it's very possible that your rash may be due to your own aftershave or deodorant.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Aug 2014


    Heat rash, thrush, athletes foot and jock itch are very much caused by the same or similar fungus, and Id like to share a friend's story as it might help someone else.
    She is an ex of mine, we have remained friends and occasional fuck buddies.
    Her life has been plagued by thrush, she was pretty obsessive about always wearing panty liners. That problem got even worse during menopause.
    She now works in a health food shop, and she has learned that her problem were caused by those pads. She now only wears the brand sold by her employer or mostly goes without. And the problem is gone.

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