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Thread: Swedish police Officer Explains How Thir Law Is Enforced

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Default Swedish police Officer Explains How Thir Law Is Enforced

    Informative Youtube Video -10 mins long at -

    Very worrying the extremes they go to in enforcing this sex worker hating piece of insane law!

    Simon, the cop seems like he is a bit brainwashed and is so good looking that he could possibly have had offers from women or even men!

    It is also obviously anti civil and basic human rights!

  2. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to The Libertarian For This Useful Post:

    N001 (19-04-14), Davidontour (19-04-14), Morpheus (20-04-14), Paul Carr (19-04-14)

  3. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by The Libertarian View Post
    Informative Youtube Video -10 mins long at -

    Very worrying the extremes they go to in enforcing this sex worker hating piece of insane law!

    Simon, the cop seems like he is a bit brainwashed and is so good looking that he could possibly have had offers from women or even men!

    It is also obviously anti civil and basic human rights!
    An interesting presentation, conveniently ignoring sex workers who do so by choice, a group the local police would be well familiar with, particularly in a relatively small country.

    The aim of the Swedish law is clearly not to stamp out trafficking (by their own govt's admission, it hasn't worked). The aim and the end result appears to be comparable to traffic speed cameras, vehicle clamping and traffic wardens -- in other words, the noble task of raising revenue for minor offences via minimum effort.

    The comment about DNA obtained from sex buyers being matched with unsolved rapes means absolutely nothing without figures, which conveniently weren't given. Worth noting though that Sweden has the highest incidence of rape in Europe and one of the highest in the world. Questions to be asked there.

    Not sure what to make of the buyers 'feeling bad' about purchasing sexual services from a consenting adult. I suspect if the police questioned heavy drinkers on a Saturday night, they'd find quite a few feeling a lot worse.

    Inevitably, there was no mention of independent sex workers or how they might feel about having their (supposedly legal) profession severely disrupted by a group of people making money from the purchase of sex. The govt can make perhaps £1000 from one purchase while the seller makes perhaps £100. To coin a phrase, this is not equality.

    Sadly for this chirpy chappie, the law he is so enthusiastically enforcing doesn't appear to be working. There's no proof that it has reduced the number of sex workers or the incidence of trafficking. There IS proof that it has made the Swedish govt plenty of money and that it has made sex workers lives a misery. What a great result.
    2014 in Northern Ireland:

    Number of reported attacks on sex workers 70

    Number of sex trafficking cases ZERO

  4. The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to Davidontour For This Useful Post:

    N001 (19-04-14), Aggie (19-04-14), Cassandra (20-04-14), Morpheus (20-04-14), Paul Carr (19-04-14), the traveller (19-04-14)

  5. #3
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    The implication that men that visit sex workers are rapists is so provocative. I would rather see it as a man capable of raping a woman, is choosing to have sex with a woman and pay for her consent as a good thing. At least he is trying to control his desires and seeing a woman with her consent rather than repeat the crime. Plus they may have had one incident and make that claim, so as Davidontour, without statistics to back it up, then it means very little. Have a room of 1000 people and you may find a few thieves, a few alcoholics a murderer or a rapist.

    I don't think they should be taking people's DNA at all for something that is essentially a 'fine' situation and how does giving someone a fine stop trafficking exactly? I've been find and had points on my driving license, but I'll still go fast down hill if my little car will let me!

  6. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to Curvaceous Kate For This Useful Post:

    N001 (19-04-14), Davidontour (19-04-14), Morpheus (20-04-14), Paul Carr (19-04-14), Petros (19-04-14)

  7. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by CurvaceousKate View Post
    The implication that men that visit sex workers are rapists is so provocative. I would rather see it as a man capable of raping a woman, is choosing to have sex with a woman and pay for her consent as a good thing. At least he is trying to control his desires and seeing a woman with her consent rather than repeat the crime. Plus they may have had one incident and make that claim, so as Davidontour, without statistics to back it up, then it means very little. Have a room of 1000 people and you may find a few thieves, a few alcoholics a murderer or a rapist.

    I don't think they should be taking people's DNA at all for something that is essentially a 'fine' situation and how does giving someone a fine stop trafficking exactly? I've been find and had points on my driving license, but I'll still go fast down hill if my little car will let me!
    I think the governments are all going mad and their prioritys are up each others backsides, by all means go after dangerous individuals and trafficers but leave two consenting adults in privacy alone. i don't see the problem if one pays another for sexual services we all pay for services in one form or another what's the difference.

  8. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to N001 For This Useful Post:

    Curvaceous Kate (19-04-14), Davidontour (19-04-14)

  9. Default

    Why are we listening to someone who already claims that he hasn't done any research and has no academic background, yet talks about the subject like he knows everything about it?

  10. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to oscarmilde For This Useful Post:

    N001 (20-04-14), Curvaceous Kate (20-04-14), Morpheus (20-04-14)

  11. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by oscarmilde View Post
    Why are we listening to someone who already claims that he hasn't done any research and has no academic background, yet talks about the subject like he knows everything about it?
    Exactly the problem. The people legetelatiing how we live our lives know nothing about escorts or their clients. if escorting was all to stop today it will not make the world any better infact only fill it with lonely horney people and that's not a improvement it only makes it worse .

  12. The Following User Says Thank You to N001 For This Useful Post:

    Curvaceous Kate (20-04-14)

  13. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    Is this chap a real copper, or is he an out of work actor taking what ever gig he can get?

  14. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    I have just viewed the above YouTube which The Libertarian has posted a link to (and have also read the comments made by members of the E-I Community in this regard).

    During the video, Police Officer Haggstrom made a number of comments in relation to Swedish-style Legislation as implemented, enacted and enforced in Sweden which are clearly designed to push this piece of Legislation as “effective”.
    Police Officer Haggstrom also failed (on purpose most likely) to highlight many of the negative consequences which Swedish-style Legislation imposes upon those whom it supposedly serves to protect (namely Independent Sex Workers).

    There are a number of comments which Police Officer Haggstrom makes in the video (especially Swedish Police’s “3 perspectives” in this regard) which are worth commenting upon.

    By Police Officer Haggstrom

    “First perspective is the issue of equality; men buying young women so that they can do what they want with them, is not equality my friends”
    The above bolden statement by Police Officer Haggstrom demonstrates ignorance; anyone who visits an Independent Sex Worker is not “buying them to do what they want with them”. If this is how Police Officer Haggstrom (and others sharing the same agenda) views the Sex Industry, it speaks volumes about them (and not in a good way).
    It is also worth noting that women also pay men (and even other women) for sex, yet Haggstrom (and others sharing the same agenda) frequently sidestep this aspect of the Sex Industry. Is that not an example of Gender Inequality (or Gender Discrimination)?

    “Second perspective, Swedish Police and Government introduced Swedish-style Legislation to ‘provide a voice for those who cannot speak up for themselves’ ”.
    In Ireland, groups who supposedly have the best interests of Independent Sex Workers at the centre of their agenda also provide a voice for “those who cannot speak up for themselves”. So much so that said groups deny Independent Sex Workers the opportunity to speak (for themselves) against the negative implications which Swedish-style Legislation would impose upon them.
    In addition, one such group who supposedly have the best interests of Independent Sex Workers at the centre of their agenda posted on their Website that “vested interests should have no input in any Consultation” with regard to introduction, implementation and enactment of Swedish-style Legislation. Those “vested interests” whom this group are referring to are indeed Independent Sex Workers themselves.

    “Third perspective is that Clients are supporting organized crime (in the form of pimps and human traffickers)”
    I have never come across a lady whom I believe to be under the control of a lowlife such as a pimp or human trafficker, I have never came across a Lady whom “walked into a door” or “fell down the stairs”, and if I did I would direct the Gardai to the premises where I discovered the lady unfortunate enough to be the victim of such treatment (and I reckon you could apply the same to the overwhelming majority of Clients in the E-I Community).

  15. The Following User Says Thank You to The Equalizer For This Useful Post:

    N001 (22-04-14)

  16. Default

    and since when can a text message in a mobile phone constitute evidence for a sexual act . Appalling !!! And to think I always looked up to Sweden as a tolerant, liberal democracy. And then this goon who claims no academic background suddenly becomes the psychologist and says men who visit escorts have something wrong with them

    I suppose the only consolation is that Jesus's association with Mary Magdalene wouldn't have got him arrested as he didn't have a cell phone

  17. The Following User Says Thank You to oscarmilde For This Useful Post:

    N001 (22-04-14)

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