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Thread: Ukraine

  1. #41


    Quote Originally Posted by Baxter View Post
    Do you think it is worth the lives of tens of thousands of young western lives and world instability to prevent the return of Ukraine to Russia ?

    interesting article aswell about it

  2. #42
    Join Date
    May 2011
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    i played red alert and those world in conflict games deadly games fucking addictive though ,i don't know what the russians are up to but the seem to be trying to take back all their former soviet states well the russian speaking parts where is it going to stop sure all the russian speaking people are going to act up and get support from moscow first georgia now ukraine and seemingly they've ordered 40 new state of the art fighter jets? fuck thats a massive amount of money on military[/QUOTE]

    the women in red alert fuck me i actually thought the game was boring but they made you come back haha

  3. #43


    " yeah but where does it stop whos next after ukraine !"

    Belarus if the Yanks stir it up enough.

  4. #44


    It wouldnt matter if it was a Republican or Democrat leader, they are puppets. Milittary anf Financial people pull their strings.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    You do not have to look so far back to see a smaller version for the same reason. Slobodan Milosevic stirring up the same nationalistic sentiment amongst the Serbs in order to boost his domestic popularity. That episode gave us almost ten years of war in Europe and tens of thousands dead and two million refugees.

    Now Putin is doing the same in the Ukraine. Putin needs oil at over $137 a barrel to pay the bills. If it is not there he must either stop spending - cutting wages and pensions like in the days of Yeltsin - or turn on the printing presses and boost inflation. Both courses will dent his popularity which is based on economic stability.

    In terms of popularity, it is working so far but at what cost? Inflation is rising as are interest rates. Capital flight from Russia is making it worse. Russia's credit rating has been downgraded to only just above junk status. In Crimea, they have run out of water. They used to get 80% of that from a canal from the Dnieper river in Ukraine. That source is now turned off so their agricultural economy is completely fucked. The harvest will fail this year and there will be no food or money.

    Never mind, the Russians will be able to pick on the remnants of the Crimean Tartars. Remember that when Crimea was part of Russia, it was not Russian. It was majority Tartar until Stalin came close to killing them all. Now in Crimea, the newly empowered Russian population has started off by marking the houses where Tartars live. And there are fuckwits in here accusing Kiev of being Nazi.

    In the Eastern parts of Ukraine in which Russian special forces have led rebellions that have eliminated all forms of civil authority we have gangs trying to make Jews register their property and pay extra taxes. Sure these are not acting under the instructions of Putin but they are working in the power vacuum that he has carefully created. They are also torturing those loyal to Kiev and chucking them into the river with a free sandbag strapped to their bodies. All of this suits Putin as it will cause Kiev to use military force to counter these rebels thus giving him an excuse to invade.

    Welcome to Putin's 21st century Europe. Another ten years or war and goodness knows how much death and misery but it will keep him in power.

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