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Thread: drugs something i find intreasting

  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by saoirsemac View Post
    was reading about the peru two, and reading the comments about give them life all the hurt and pain they cause by bringing drugs

    to me those statements are on par with someone going u smoke weed, i dont agree as my mate died of herion, ban all drugs

    now there illegal, true but similar drugs are perfectly legal, ie tobacco alchol and lets not forget irelands biggest drug addicts tend to favour our legal alteratives such as valiums etc

    the thing about drug abusers is, they will always find a new a drug to abuse its the personailty of a person not the drug as such

    comments that this girls will bring hurt and misery is kinda funny, firstly one look at them, hardly the masterminds here,

    secondly, ive met a few dealers in my time, never once have i been made buy, ive been offered but the final choice of what i put into my body was my choice...... so how does the dealer hurt and cause misery when you choose it? and its not like the give u a list, you ask for the drug u want.... so if ur buying herion ur asking for it
    kinda like saying my next client is a rapist because he paying to have sex with me

    also to a drug addict again if there no herion, they will find an alterative thats the nature of the beast....

    there a bar 200m away for me, im not inclinced to go over there for a drink, but there some who sit here counting the seconds till it opens, do we scream and preech the drink industry are murders etc? no we put the blame nd rightly on the addict who abuses it

    if we made drugs legal wud we really have more abusers? or abusers with more varied usuages

    if your going to be an addict thats down to you, not the barman or the dealer really!

    just something i always found laughable esp the drugs are bad my friend died of herion. no your mate died because he was an idiot who pumped shit in his veins of his own accord, the dealer sold it he bought it

    we have such a blame culture, if we cannot agree we need to find something to blame, the only thing to blame is human nature
    All I see when I read these kinds of posts from you, is that you really like drug dealers and you seem best of friends with them, good for you.

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by LeatherHeaven View Post
    I was once of the opinion that all drugs should be banished and the war on drugs was right and just. I then turned 15 lol

    Prohibition only serves to propagate the problems. It is a far too simplistic answer to a very complicated problem. Should we ban all mood altering chemicals? Should we criminalise those who have maybe 1 bottle of wine over the whole week, or those who smoke a joint once in a blue moon?

    I actually prefer the Portuguese model in addressing addiction problems that lead to crime. I say it like this as I always make a distinction between addiction and crime. There are addicts who have never committed a crime (apart from maybe possession) and there are criminals who have never touched a drug.

    Now isn't that forward thinking ?
    If I had my way, yes I would, I would absolutley ban even alchol I see what it does to irish society and more harm than good seems to come of it.

    Portugual though have not legalised the like of heroine and cocaine though? they help addicts with proper support structures like the needle exchange, but irish people have an extrememly negative view when it comes to addicts and helping them.

    I'd also say that addicts do commit crime, they rob family members, steal from their own mum to get their next fix, they put syrnges to peoples necks they do all sorts to get their next fix

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by LeatherHeaven View Post
    What the..... ?????

    Dublad, i would argue the opposite. In fact if I was in any position of influence over the current laws I would argue quite vociferously that the likes of John Gilligan, Christy Kinahan etc etc charged with manslaughter (at least) for each and every person that died from the drugs they sold.
    From soairse posts I get this vibe that she always defends the drug dealers and never puts any blame on them. Not you LH

  4. #34
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    It's very interesting reading I have to say.

    I'm only 30 pages in but I did notice on pages 21-22 did they in later years do the required research alot of the recommendations would be interesting to read.

  5. #35


    Quote Originally Posted by Dub Lad View Post
    From soairse posts I get this vibe that she always defends the drug dealers and never puts any blame on them. Not you LH

    nope, im just not the type to believe what im been told and see it as gospel, i use to read things and belive them in papers, like about sex work, and what im suppose to be etc, but i look around and its not like that,

    and when i read about drugs i dont see that either, i aint saying dealers are your best mates, far form it, there few i liked ever dealing with, but then again i was only sourcing weed, not herion or harder drugs, and i usual aimed for the home grower and someone i found decent people, where as the media paints all dealers as monsters injectin kids with herion at every corner,

    and i cant help reading that and going, well ive never seen it, and i cant help but compare it to the sex industry,
    alot of bullshit is said by the people who dont agree with it, and its the biggest voice heard, because alot of people dont understand it, and the shock value will sell papers and leave that picture

    my views on sex work, everything have changed alot i now do not see things as black and white, the world is not that, so why do we create laws that are?
    ********************THE WHORIN AND TOURING NEWS************************
    no more news thats all folks, it was a pleasure

  6. The Following User Says Thank You to saoirsemac For This Useful Post:

    Sancho Panza (27-09-13)

  7. #36
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    Cant give my opinion because i know fuck all about drugs and scared of getting hidin from the RAAD. Lol

  8. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barry White View Post
    The one that I find most confusing is the attitude of the aging heavy drinker. In a local establishment where I play music you get two types of socialite, the aging barfly and a younger crowd who are more into a pharmaceutical form of recreation. I overheard one of these bar propping sages waxing lyrical one night about the young people wasting there lives away shoving that shit up there noses. The same guy has been drunk most days of his life, has lost his family, his home, spent anything that he ever had on drink yet thinks that people who use a different drug are wasting their lives away! It doesn't matter what you use to get out of it, the objective is to escape from something. Addiction is a heavy burden for anyone to shoulder but to me the saddest ones are those who just refuse to see that they have a problem.
    He's basically brainwashed. Ruined in own life with a socially acceptable drug (Alcohol) People like this are not able to think for themselves. A bit like the catholic church brain washed everyone.

    I find it funny, I have a mate very strong catholic upbringing. Would never touch any kind of drug as it was evil. And yet well in his 30's with a family he gets loaded with drink a few times a week. He is obese and not in good health. And he will let his own kids get shitfaced, but if they ever even sniff at a drug his will go nuts.

  9. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dub Lad View Post
    If I had my way, yes I would, I would absolutley ban even alchol I see what it does to irish society and more harm than good seems to come of it.

    Portugual though have not legalised the like of heroine and cocaine though? they help addicts with proper support structures like the needle exchange, but irish people have an extrememly negative view when it comes to addicts and helping them.

    I'd also say that addicts do commit crime, they rob family members, steal from their own mum to get their next fix, they put syrnges to peoples necks they do all sorts to get their next fix
    Whether or not you think alcohol and other recreational drugs do more harm than good, you should have as little right to ban other people from using them as the TORL zealots have to ban you from seeing escorts.

    He may have been harsh at times, but the late great Bill Hicks spoke a lot of sense.

  10. The Following User Says Thank You to Sancho Panza For This Useful Post:

    saoirsemac (27-09-13)

  11. #39


    Quote Originally Posted by Sancho Panza View Post
    Whether or not you think alcohol and other recreational drugs do more harm than good, you should have as little right to ban other people from using them as the TORL zealots have to ban you from seeing escorts.

    He may have been harsh at times, but the late great Bill Hicks spoke a lot of sense.

    thank you, you see the point, its not a pro i love drugs and dealers are awesome,

    but its the point our industry is held similar to drugs, people are afaird of it, make up lots of stuff to make it look bad and people take it as bible and get up on high horses about the one case they know,

    i dont know how many times ive sat thru a sex work arguement, and when i brought my case i was stupid what would i know, the proof says we are all drug addicts or trafficked, and how do i know otherwise these are the facts

    the facts are im not a strung out junkie, im not uneducated, im not form an abusive background, im form a two parent family and loving one, im not pimped im not forced, and im not raped and im not seriving 20 men a day

    but the papers and people opinion is that, and im told what do i know?

    thats the point, its the same arguement, just different ''products'' one drugs one sex and both are presented in media etc worse than hell, victims etc, ie blame culture again, no one wants to admit people can make choices form themselves that are againist the status quo.

    but those who dont have a clue nor experience bar articles in papers, or the one person they knew who smoke weed etc who became ill, this becomes there facts how many times we here, drugs are bad my friend got hooked and died, sorry your friend choose his path and took them,

    but of course his childhood will be the cause those big bad dealers forcing herion injections into children and kidnapping them form concerned parents, bullshit, the parents shud be watching there own kids!

    we need realism on matters like drugs, sex work abortion not fantical people with no actual evidence bar i once knew a guy who

    neglecting that daily there down and outs pissed on our streets, and i dont like it so ban it

    that attitude is clearly not working now is it!

    i find it funny the same people preeching there facts on drugs see escorts, when the same bullshit said about us non stop

    maybe because you seen first hand actual escorts and know its not all true. maybe just maybe if you understood addiction is a diease, and people will always find addiction and the fact most drugs cud be consummed like the way people social drink, but instead you zone in on one tragic case as the means of saying this why

    what about the people dieing form alchol, where are the mass protest to stop that, or the father who drinks the dole money and comes home and batters the kids,

    now that man was going be addicted no matter the drug, drink was just handy
    ********************THE WHORIN AND TOURING NEWS************************
    no more news thats all folks, it was a pleasure

  12. The Following User Says Thank You to saoirsemac For This Useful Post:

    Sancho Panza (27-09-13)

  13. #40
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    weed could grown by small producers paying a licence and be sold by vintners,
    as alcohol sales are not what they were. to get the MDMA you need to hit the club
    11-12pm. lets get the economy moving

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