Quote Originally Posted by philipkntz View Post
The girl hiding behind the door is one thing, it has anyone experienced the girl standing at the top of a darkened stairs.
You get to the top of the stairs and if you decide to do a runner, you meet her friend before you get out of the house. Had a bad experience of this once in London. But I had a similar experience here except that I decided to stay. She made a phonecall, said something in a foreign language which I later translated as, "I'm doing this one". Then she announces that she needs a shower, so shared shower before and after and a few minutes on the bed. A really nice appointment but I'm convinced they had actually planned to rob me.
Same place was closed down a few days later and hasn't ever been reused.
Girl behind door, at top of stairs too but I always request they meet at the bottom of stairs so I can watch that bottom go all the way to the top, I had even girls peeping out of wardrobes while having sex with their friend and even had some under the bed, it's been an experience