Quote Originally Posted by Cassandra View Post
Don't be a dick
Bring exact change
Wash your teeth
Wash your Ass
Respect the escorts. They don't own you, you don't own them
And for the love of god, don't forget your socks.
Another few to add to the list is

Pay attention to her demand and what she like and dislike.

Ask the Lady consent first and the Gents consent to, as it work both way in making a meeting great.

Take a good bottle of prosecco especially on long booking. Nothing better to sit in Lady company with a glass of good prosecco and gaze at her seductive eyes and her beauty from near or afar like me

Last of all is do make sure the Lady enjoy the meeting and you Gents know what I mean in making sure she having fun and pleasure as well
That is one I do need to work on more in the Lady company, as at times I am a disaster in that area and fumbling idiot who like a lost Gent. Blame it on my nervous and the chair I do say.