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New Year Wishes

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Well it's New Year's Eve and almost the end of 2010 and the beginning of a new year. I can't say it's been the best year of my life by any means but then again it hasn't been the worst year either.

There are many things I am hoping for in 2011 and I am sure there are many people who are thinking along similar lines. Not happy about where I am living at all so going to make a new move as early as I can in the 2011. I am also going to try and get a better balance in life and attempt to get out walking a lot more to get some fresh air into my lungs. It's all to easy to get bogged down on doing the same old thing and forget about those important issues and people in life so that's going to change too. Going to plan a nice holiday somewhere abroad that is nice and sunny but not too hot as whilst I like the sunshine not fond of too much either. So at least i have a few hopes for the year ahead and that's a start.

To all here on EI thanks very much for a thoroughly enjoyable latter part of 2010 when I came here as it has really kept me very occupied when at times when life was generally not too good.

Hope you all have a wonderful and Happy New Year ahead for 2011. :)


  1. lovethegirls's Avatar
    Thanks Magicalman happy new year and have a great day.
  2. magicalman9357's Avatar
    Happy New Year to you too and thanks for responding. Hope it's a great one. :)
  3. dr love's Avatar
    Hope the plans work out magic wishing you all the best in the new year : doc
  4. magicalman9357's Avatar
    Thanks very much doc and hope you have your best year ever for 2011. :)
  5. Sam Spade's Avatar
    Best wishes magic for the forthcoming new year.
  6. magicalman9357's Avatar
    Thanks very much Mark and hope you have a fantastic New Year. :)
  7. Rodney69's Avatar
    Sounds like you have some plans to keep you busy. Hope they all work well out for you. Happy 2011
  8. magicalman9357's Avatar
    Thanks very much Rodney and hope yours is the best yet.