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Do opposites attract?

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I have always been drawn towards females with an outgoing personality for some reason and makes me wonder if people with opposite personalities attract one another or if its a myth. Not sure why but I seem to attract bubbly and extroverted women when I am quite the opposite myself. Whilst not putting myself down I am not exactly Mr personality or the life and soul of the party by a long shot. I am good on a one to one but not so much in a crowd of people and as far as jokes are concerned I can never remember them. So why is it that some very talkative, attractive, bubbly and outgoing ladies are attracted to me and vice versa? Could it be because I am a good listener or what? Do you attract people with personalities very much opposite to yourself? :)


  1. dr love's Avatar
    A good listener is a good starting point . Yes opposite do attract it's what I believe .: doc
  2. magicalman9357's Avatar
    Always a good listener doc. :)
  3. Sensual Lauren's Avatar
    hi sweetie
    I have found that while opposites may attract, the 'staying power' of such a relationship may be strained by such differences,,,so, enjoy it while you can, few things last!.
  4. magicalman9357's Avatar
    Thanks Lauren and I do believe you are right about that. :)
  5. Sensual Lauren's Avatar
    vivre la difference!xx