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This is why hot is Hot

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I love Summer,

Everyone is smiling,cheerful, and this afternoon I saw a gorgeous red haired guy cycling shirt open.
I of course, then had to spot Ms Muffin top in front of me. Now there was a Lady so in tune with the idea of Healthy Self Image she's completely removed from reality.
I really need to stop spending time with barbz - I think their bitchiness is rubbing off.

Seriously though - to let my inner half dyke out a second - I love curvy girls. Not just because they have the boobs/ass I wish I had - but why break up that lovely flow of lines with a pair of shorts so short they were probably born napkins? And so tight I worry about that poor girls circulation?
That Ass should jiggle free in a loose skirt or... biking pants... please?

That's the problem with being a bisexual "feminist" isn't it? You pick on another womans' appearance, It comes off as bitchy and...your only justification for that comment is that you'd rather see DAT ASS in it's full glory...which is objectifying this random woman you barely know - who is now giving you dagger eyes - so you pretend to go back to your book, only to hold it up upside down.


All cares are just burnt right up by the Sun. I love waking up to real light instead of that garish yellow ooze Lamps give.

I love how any patch of grass or dirt beside water can become your own personal beach . In Da big Smoke people even stop acting like A-holes , they feel more free to engage in nonsense conversations with strangers (Well your frisbee did knock my hat off into the river- Lets have a lengthy discussion about all the strange places it may now possibly visit.

Oh lucky Hat! Free floating all along the worlds waterways - will ducks swim about you and make that tear in your seam a smile ? Will you narrowly avoid the steaming streams of drunks piss that fall from the bridges late at night? Perhaps shack up with a beerbottle friend for a night or two, before you head on to God knows what exotic locations? Or will some opportunist pluck you straight out, swipe the muck off and wear you like I once did)

There's this sort of innocence that returns to everything. Passion and Fun are on the cards and not much can go wrong, unless you count the slightly more awkward "yeah actually I'm taken", conversation that followed the one above Every other house you walk past seems to have a barbecue going on, and there's Fiesta music playing in the Flats.

Even this weeks protestors seem cheerful despite themselves ( or did they eat all the skittles that weren't glued to their placards?)

Having a Summer this hot seems to make E'rday Friday.


  1. markob's Avatar
    Sounds like a Robert Crumb comic strip you write I'll draw.
  2. Cassandra's Avatar
    Thank you