Blog Comments

  1. simon2280's Avatar
    Smile a little, i laughted outload, Hun you are so good at spotting things
  2. hit the sides angus's Avatar
    very true i get high from the smell of sex alone !!!
  3. Escort Sandra's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Desirable Encounters

    Tell me you didn't smile just a little?
    very funny
  4. Desirable Encounters's Avatar

    Tell me you didn't smile just a little?
  5. sexseeker's Avatar
  6. wonderboy1's Avatar
    thanks for the post babe, sex is such an addictive drug too, many great people have fallen overcome by the drug of love
  7. tango123's Avatar
    There is no drug better than Sex
  8. wanted the best 69's Avatar
    sex is a drug that used properly will bring you to the highest point........but used badly it can twist you into something you want to hate,as in all things there is the light and the dark.
  9. funlover12's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by nitram
    Agreed it is the best drug ever and a bonus is that the drug companies don't make a cent nor do the government make any tax either
    nail on head. its the best and free....welll not necessarily free
  10. justfrank44's Avatar
    I have been addicted to sex for 40 years or so . There might just be something to it.
  11. lildick's Avatar
    Having been involved in the medical profession and having enjoyed the company of many courteous ladies both socially and professionally never have I discovered a drug more enjoyable than sex. (That is with the right person). Drugs Nah! Sex. Yes, Yes,Yes!
  12. nitram's Avatar
    Agreed it is the best drug ever and a bonus is that the drug companies don't make a cent nor do the government make any tax either
  13. Amanda Babe's Avatar
    Sex always very nice =)
  14. 69patrick69's Avatar
    I'm sure that there is something better than sex, but i just havent discovered it yet.
  15. warmcome's Avatar
    the sex compulson is very strong, perhaps the most. i like
    to burn some green, in between, stops me bein' too mean! :-)
  16. wiseman's Avatar
    At the right time, in the right mood and with the right person - ther eis nothing better than sex.
  17. ChunkyJoe's Avatar
    Hmmmmmm.. yes I think there isn't anything better than sex.. if there is I don't wanna know about it :D lol
  18. j81's Avatar
    oh god yesssssssssssss
  19. Escort Sandra's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by takemedrunkimhome
    That's so hot. Is it giving you ideas for a video Sandra? :-)
    Is a good song for striptease
  20. takemedrunkimhome's Avatar
    That's so hot. Is it giving you ideas for a video Sandra? :-)
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