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  1. Awww You guys ^_^

    Thank you so much for such a warm welcome back! It's been so good to see so many faces familiar and new. I honestly didn't think y'all would remember lil ole me
    That said , I'm a need y'all to help a sister out. Here's the sitch,

    If you are coming in from surrounding areas, please be aware of my hours. I take calls untill midnight but stop working around 10. Please be sure to factor in what traffic in town might be like

    If you can't make it be sure to let ...
  2. The Kinky Guide to Booking a Sex Worker!!

    In this modern age of the world wide web, it’s very easy to place a booking with a Sex Worker but if my experience and the experiences of other ladies are to be believed it still seems to totally baffle some people. I have been involved in the world of sex for over ten years and during this time I have been a member of various online forums. Some of them are no longer around and some of them are still going strong. Regardless of whether they were solely for sex workers to engage with their peers ...

    Updated 29-10-19 at 18:48 by TheKinkyMasseuse

    Irish Escort Blogs , Escort Industry Ireland
  3. European Spring Hepatitis and HIV Testing Week 2019 (17th May - 24th May)

    Press Release

    European spring testing week runs from 17th May through to the 24th May and GOSHH will be providing rapid HIV tests and rapid Hepatitis C tests in various places around the community as well as in our offices.

    HIV treatment is one tablet a day, and this treatment controls HIV so that it does not to do any damage to the person living with the virus, and the HIV cannot be transmitted sexually. This is the information behind the new campaign U=U (Undetectable ...

    Updated 16-05-19 at 13:58 by Floki

  4. What is Lactophilia and How Does Someone Make Milk?

    Lactophillia, adult nursing, ANR, erotic lactation, breast milk fetishism are all phrases which describe a fetish whereby a person suckles milk from another persons breast.

    However for some sex workers and escorts the fetish is much part of their everyday lives. A few lactating escorts, like me, love to share their breastmilk with clients and whilst it is still a relatively small market, there are a growing number of women offering adult nursing and milkmaid services to breast milk ...
  5. Hepatitis C and HIV testing in Co.Clare - Press Release

    FOR ALL YOU PEOPLE IN OR AROUND Co.CLARE....(p.s we also continue to do testing in our offices!)

    There is a cure for Hepatitis C

    One tablet a day for 12 weeks with little or no side effects, and this treatment is playing a big part in Ireland’s plan to eliminate Hepatitis C by the year 2030. On average, in Ireland, around 600 people a year are newly diagnosed with Hepatitis C. These infections might not be new, as it is possible to live with Hep C for 30 years or more ...

    Updated 14-03-19 at 17:14 by GOSHH

    Tags: goshh, hep c, hiv, testing
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