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  1. La La La

  2. The Escort's Gift

    So, when we’ve gone home and the excitement is over, what is the essence of that which we remember most from the liaisons with our escort friends? Yes, we recall the intimacy, the physicality and maybe, even the sex. But, as I move through middle age, the over-riding memory is invariably the sense of vitality that I’ve just shared. There is an infusion of youth gained from our meeting. And yes, all of you are youngsters in my eyes now.

    It’s not that we are precluded from meeting ...

    Updated 02-07-13 at 23:37 by User300415

    Irish Client Blogs
  3. Fantasy

    Let's suppose I went on about how as escorts we provide a vital service in that we accomodate fantasies. All the time. In this scene or "industry" you get to be naughty in a way you never dreamed was possible.
    It's nice, no?
    What exactly did we do wrong yonkers ago, that the word hooker phobia exists? Is it us or just a fear of what sex workers represent? Silly question.

    Updated 05-07-13 at 04:09 by Cassandra

  4. Are you as horny as me

    So I just got back from Asia, one of the hardest things about being there is not having great sex. I can't tell you how many nights I've had to stroke my clit and Fantasize About being assaulted by a big white cock. About meeting some guy in a bar and going back to his place, He's about 5 10" broad shoulders, Sexy little trim to waist, And abs like a washboard. The minute we get in the door he ...

    Updated 29-06-13 at 11:56 by rhianna

    Tags: blowjob, horny, sex
    Irish Escort Blogs , Escort Industry Ireland
  5. The Beauty is...

    The Freedom of the Road.

    Not to mention all the s-Time and Companionship and what conicidences may occur- :P

    After sometime in the so called real world I realised people will make drama out of thin air if need be. To have to sit there and take it when you're used to kicking balls...I say.

    Despite the overview on Escorting , there are some quality girls out there. I consider myself one and I suppose this is more of a thank you note to all the girls who ...
    Tags: cassandra, ebony, tour