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  1. Multitasking

    Have to admit I am totally useless at multitasking. For some reason when I am doing anything it needs my full attention and this applies to almost everything in my life. For example when I am on the computer I do not generally play music or do other things I am simply operating the computer. When I drive the car that's what I do. No music or other distractions I focus on the task in hand. This used to be a major problem with a former partner as she became so annoyed when I was working on the ...
  2. Moving on in life

    The first of my daughters has got engaged today just got me thinking on how life just has a way of continuing on regardless . A new milestone in mine .The joy we can share in other peoples lives and how important family really matters : doc
  3. St Stephens day

    To all finally got finished in work let the party begin . Happy St Stephens day one and all : doc
  4. Boxing Day Joke

    Boxing Day Joke - A Seat In the Stand?

    Lance and Jimmy were fortunate in that they each had a season ticket to watch Manchester United. However, they had a friend Eddie who would give is right arm for season ticket. They could not help noticing that there was always a spare seat (L39) next to theirs.

    One half-time Lance went to the ticket office and asked if they could by buy the season ticket for L39. The club official said that unfortunately the seat had been ...
  5. Merry Christmas Everyone
