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  1. Boycoting the forum

    A few issues were raised on the boards a few days ago,which I don't want to drag up here, which resulted with some members threatening to boycot the forum.
    The forum by it's nature is a medium by which posters can express their views in a democratic way expressing a wide variety of opinions, it can be informative,interesting and sometimes hilarious.
    This is an adult forum and censorship should not be the route to take (within it's boundaries of course) a path that can be a danger to ...
  2. Miss February E-I 2011

    Miss February E-I 2011
    Welcome to the E-I Escort of the Month Blog. Every month I post the current top list of escorts in the running for Escort of the Month with its winner.

    The current Miss January E-I 2010 is Erika

    Here are the results in the race for Miss February ...

    Updated 05-02-11 at 00:47 by RicFlair

    E-I Escort or the Month
  3. On The Internet?

    Here are some things I recently discovered about the internet which are quite interesting.

    I am on Internet

    No, you're on "the internet." "Internet" is a generic term, and it refers to a network where they speak IP (Internet Protocol). The internet is short for "the world-wide internet." As a side note, you might be reading this on USENET, but not on "the USENET." USENET is a proper name (drawn from users' network) inspired by ...
  4. Good Things About Mondays

    Mondays are important. Just as eating a good breakfast helps you launch a great day, having a good Monday helps you launch a great week. Here are five effective ways to make sure your Monday goes well:

    Plan ahead. As much as you hate working on the weekends, doing just a little planning ahead of time can make your Mondays much better. This can be as simple as getting a full night’s sleep (instead of staying up late on Sunday) or packing your lunch the night before. One of my personal ...
  5. Sunday Fun

    1. A man pushed his car. He stopped when he reached a hotel at which point he knew he was bankrupt. Why?

    2. A blind beggar had a brother who died. What relation was the blind beggar to the brother who died? (Brother is not the answer).

    3. A man has recently escaped from prison and is making his way home on foot. He is walking along a straight rural country lane in bright daylight. He has walked about two miles from the prison, when he sees a police ...