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  1. Mentioned about women and men

    ■ Men have discovered fire, but women discovered how to play with him. - Sarah Jessica Parker
    ■ Women are fascinated by mathematics. They share the age of 2, doubling the price of clothes and always add 5 years
    old best friend. - Marcel Achard
    ■ man chasing the woman until she catches him. - Unknown
    ■ All women are good for nothing ... good or good at something. - Miguel de Cervantes
    ■ When the woman says "No", insemana ...
  2. Sex and his benefits

    A good sex life can bring some advantages that can become your best friends on the health.

    1. Increases immunity
    An intimate relationship for at least 3 times per week raise immunoglobulin A that help combat colds and various infections. Sex = a healthy immune system. Of course, you can eat and an apple a day and get the same effect, but the choice is yours.

    2. Stress flies out the window
    If you are assaulted by problems and your blood ...
  3. The adventures of Annabel Taylor

    the quick fierce fuck on a Sunday morning,

    Sunday mornings are mornings of leisure, indulgent lazy ness, the naughty fry ups, the walk on the beach, feeling the crisp sea air dance off your face

    and then there Sunday horniness,

    one of my favorite regulars called me early this morning, suffering form the Sunday morning hangover horn, and called for a quickie before the big match, (that still 30minutes).

    there a knock on the door ...
  4. The adventures of Annabel Taylor

    i think i must be sex crazed.....

    today for the first time in my career, i experienced a friendly garda visit,

    now the normal reaction would be stressed in fear etc, not me....

    i was waiting for a very understanding gentleman to arrive sat in my stockings, listening to primetime debate as i prepared myself, my friend enters the living room to tell me........ hunni the garda are here, i immediately follow her into her room, to be greeted by a friendly ...
  5. The adventures of Annabel Taylor

    a tiggeriffic tale

    my time escorting has not just been sex and money, for the true nature of escorting is far more than just sex. You encounter so many different people, some want a quick fuck and be on there way, others company, etc

    but then there is those you do not want such a thing, for there desire is far more complex than a good time shared with an attentive escort,... o no these guys are much different, they are know as the time waster
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